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Dating Dictionary

Please note that Heavenly Relationships does not condone or agree with some of the behaviours described in this Glossary of Dating Terms. In fact some of them are downright despicable! It is simply a list of ever-evolving dating terms, some of which have crept into Christian dating. Familiarising yourself with these terms may help you to decide who to date or who not to date.

If we've missed one, let us know here so we can add it!

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A term used to describe someone who does not experience sexual attraction. Asexuality is said to be a spectrum which may or may not include sexual attraction, romantic attraction, aesthetic attraction, emotional attraction etc or any combination of different types of attraction.

Bad Pancake

the first person you date after a break-up. Also known as a rebound relationship.

Beige Flags

Refers to behaviours or characteristics that shouldn't be concerning.


Like breadcrumbing, benching is a form of stringing someone along. They like you but not enough to commit to them, so they want to keep their options open for someone better to come along.

Biblical Dating

Difficult to define because the Bible doesn't mention dating but generally treating someone in the same manner Jesus would.

Blizzard Buddy

Someone you develop a romantic relationship with specifically for the purpose of not having to ride out a big weather event by yourself. (Bumble)

Booty Call

Someone contacting you later in the evening and asking you to come out with them that night. This generally means they want to hook up. Yes, this happens even on Christian dating websites.


This is when someone engages with you enough to keep you interested but ultimately they're not really interested. They're just stringing you along.

Catch & Release

It's all about the thrill of the chase. Once you're caught, they lose interest.


Someone has taken on a fake persona to scam you. They tend to employ lovebombing in the process.

Cookie Jarring

When someone is no longer interested but they keep you in the "cookie jar" or as a backup whilst looking for someone else.


a middle-aged woman who dates a much younger man. At lease a decade or more younger.


Dating is casually getting to know someone you may eventually have a romantic relationship with whereas courting is being romantically involved with someone with the intention of marrying (but how do you know if you want to marry someone if you don't date them first?). Similar to Dating Intentionally.


When a young man pursues a much older woman.


A seasonal relationship, typically in the colder months which ends when the need for snuggles to keep warm is no longer required.


Taking a long time to respond to messages or distancing from someone you're not interested in rather than being direct.


You're their main choice but they're breadcrumbing or benching others in case it doesn't work out with you.

DTR or Define the Relationship

A discussion to decide the status of your relationship and ensure you're both on the same page. Are you exclusive? Are you both seeking marriage? Necessary to make sure you're not in a "Situationship".


Feels more like an interview for a high powered executive position than a date.

Dating Intentionally

in Christian dating this means dating with the intention to marry. Outside of Christian dating this means understanding your end goal and only dating those people that fit with your end goal.


Taking a deep dive into someone's social media feed and liking historic photos and posts. This could be a way to show they're interested or could be an unfortunate series of taps deeply regretted by the diver.


A one-way relationship. You’ll only hear from that person when it suits them and probably won’t get a reply when you’re the one who’s messaging.


Casting a wide net. Sending a "Hi" message or a scripted message to several people and seeing who responds.


A summer relationship. Like freckles, they come and go.


A form of psychological manipulation where the gaslighter attempts to make their victim doubt their reality. For eg they deny that they said something and make out you're crazy for suggesting it.


When a person who has been ghosted continuously contacts their ghoster (let 'em go!).


Someone who decides they’re not really interested or have met somebody they prefer and stops communicating without any explanation.  Sometimes this can happen further along in the relationship and not just in the initial stages of contact or dating.

Green Flags

Refers to positive behaviours or characteristics. An indication that they are emotionally healthy and potentially safe to pursue (but keep an eye out for other flags).


Somone who has ghosted you but now they’re watching your socials and liking your posts.


The lite version of catfishing. They’re not posing as someone else, but they might be using an outdated photo, embellishing their credentials or generally not being entirely truthful.

Love Bombing

Over-the-top displays of attention and affection and can include declarations of love very early on. This could be a pre-cursor to a romance scam or an indication of a potentially toxic relationship or narcissistic person.

MRS Degree

A woman who attends university with the intention of finding a husband.


A man who dates women much younger than him. Sometimes young enough to be his daughter or even granddaughter.


They’re not sleeping with someone else but they’re still flirting and being secretive about it. Essentially, it’s an emotional affair.

Missionary Dating

When a Christian dates an unbeliever and attempts to convert them.


Someone who enters another relationship straight after a breakup without taking time to heal.


Ghosting but preceded with Lovebombing.


Someone making a negative comment about you in order to control the dynamics of the relationship. Such as, suggesting he doesn't usually date curvier girls but for you he'll make an exception!

Orange Flags

Refers to behaviours or characteristics that should not be ignored but are not deal-breakers. Worth discussing with your significant other to see if they will acknowledge it or address it, failing which, you will need to decide whether you can live with it. Also known as Yellow Flags.


When someone, possibly an ex or someone who has ghosted you, continues to like your social media posts or remains on the outskirts of your life.


When an ex sporadically reminds you of their existence in an attempt to falter your attempts to move on.


When a person takes time to win your trust and then attempts to scam you by requests money or personal information.

Pie Hunting

Dating someone who has "issues" because they perceive them as less work.


When someone keeps you separate from the rest of their life such as not introducing you to friends. Similar to stashing.


A woman 30s or younger that dates a younger man.

Purity Culture

Culture where Christians are encouraged to remain pure at all costs with the false promise that by doing so they will find a healthy, happy marriage and have an amazing sex life.

Purity Ring

Christian organizations in the United States used the purity ring as a symbol of commitment to remain sexually pure until marriage. Also known as the "silver ring thing".

Red Flags

Refers to negative behaviours or characteristics which could lead to a potentially toxic or abusive relationship.

Ring by Spring

North American Christian college phenomenon whereby students feel pressured to get engaged before graduation.


When someone fails to mention they're dating other people but when asked, they say there was no implication of exclusivity.

Silver Ring Thing

Christian organizations in the United States used the purity ring as a symbol of commitment to remain sexually pure until marriage. Also known as the "silver ring thing".


A relationship that has not been defined and it is unclear whether you are exclusive or committed.

Slow Fade

When someone gradually reduces contact over time. The slower version of ghosting.


When someone attempts to keep their relationship with you a secret. Similar to pocketing.


Similar to ghosting. They cease communicating for some time before resurfacing as though nothing happened.

Talking Stage

Getting to know someone before defining the relationship.

Winter Coating

An ex tries to rekindle something to wait out the colder months.


When someone considers themselves, and portrays themselves, as more progressive than they are.

Yellow Flags

Refers to behaviours or characteristics that should not be ignored but are not deal-breakers. Worth discussing with your significant other to see if they will acknowledge it or address it, failing which, you will need to decide whether you can live with it. Also known as Orange Flags.


Also known as orbiting, this is when someone who ghosted you has contacted you again with no explanation or acknowledgement of the time elapsed since last contact.

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